PassagePoint Global v10

Model: PPG-1 Categories: ,

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A Visitor Management Solution For Global Business

PassagePoint Global v10 represents a new generation in visitor management software (VMS). Now even the most demanding customers, worldwide, can enjoy the benefits of this solution offering integrated security, communications, badging, multi-language support, and advanced reporting, all in one package. Use PassagePoint Global and confusing, cluttered screens are a thing of the past. There?s a brand new interface that?s easy to use and even easier to learn. And it?s powered by the latest technology for improved speed and stability.

From a single workstation to thousands of users worldwide, PassagePoint Global is an ideal solution. A ?small foot-print? makes it perfect for one workstation. An optimized network traffic design ensures high performance with minimal impact to enterprise networks. And, an application server architecture makes it a snap to centrally manage a VMS deployment over a large company WAN. PassagePoint Global truly is the one solution for total control.

Only In PassagePoint Global

  • Control Center: manages an enterprise-wide visitor system centrally and deploys custom settings based on location
  • Screen Policy: customizes any entry screen, field labels, or hide/require fields, by user, category or policy
  • ClickView: displays vital info and action buttons in list view
  • Auto Fill: speeds up data entry and reduces errors or duplications
  • Mass Notifier: sends custom notifications to groups for emergency or informational purposes

More Features. More Control.

  • Fully translated in: English, Spanish, French, German, & Japanese, out of the box
  • Microsoft Outlook calendar integration
  • Advanced integration with the major access control manufacturers
  • Biometric fingerprint scanner and visitor record locator
  • Email notification (with visitor?s photo) on visitor sign-in
  • Directory linking/create directory of hosts: Active Directory & single sign-on
  • Return sexual predator match via real time link, including photo and conviction details*
  • Simplified, more intuitive interface makes it fast to learn and fun to use
  • Database Flexibility: choose from several database options including Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Application Server: keeps data secure and makes updates a breeze
  • Hardware Setup Wizard: Adding hardware is made easy with a step-by-step wizard and a smart installer that pre-installs most of the required drivers
  • Badge Printing Policy: Allows complex printing rules to be set by administrator, making the user?s job easier

Watch the?PassagePoint Global Video

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